
近年来,学界日益认识到民族志研究法在跨文化教育中的作用。本研究借鉴国内外相关教学研究和实践成果,提出有机融合外语语言能力与跨文化能力培养的民族志外语教学法,阐述其内涵,并针对大学外语学习者设计了一个民族志跨文化外语教学项目。对学生的民族志报告、师生问卷调查和访谈结果的数据分析显示,民族志跨文化外语教学法是提升语言能力与跨文化能力的有效教学方法,值得推广。Recent years have witnessed the growing awareness of the important role that ethnography plays in intercul- tural education. Drawing on the relevant research findings and practical experiences at home and abroad, this study proposes ethnography as a language and culture teaching method, and explains its connotation. It designs an ethnogra- phic foreign language teaching project for college foreign language students. Statistical analysis of the students' ethno- graphic reports and the feedback from the students and teacher surveys and interviews proves the effectiveness and ap- plicability of ethnographic foreign language teaching.


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